Monthly draw
Your books in action
We want to see your notebooks in action! Where are you taking your WTF Notebooks? What are you using them for? Who are you gifting them to? Share a creative post to go in the monthly draw to win a £100 Gift Card!

Show us your silly stuff
Do you own a WTF Notebook? Well, now's the time to show off those beauties! Take a snapshot or shoot a video of your notebooks in action, whether in the hands of a happy recipient, on your desk at work, in the kitchen, bedroom, garage, shower – get creative!
Once you've captured the moment, share it with the world! Post your photo or video on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok profiles, and don't forget to use the hashtag #wtfnotebooks. But, make sure to set your privacy settings to public, or we'll never see it!
One lucky winner will be drawn at the end of each month. That's right, you could be the proud owner of a £100 gift card to buy even more notebooks! We'll contact you directly if you're the winner. And if your submission blows our socks off we'll be sure to share it on our social channels*.
So, go ahead and get snapping, shooting, and sharing. Let's see those WTF Notebooks in action!
Get inspired by these #wtfnotebooks posts
Don't have a WTF Notebook yet?
Well, what are you waiting for? Hold on to your funny bones as you browse our massive collection of hilarious notebook titles – perfect as conversation starters at home or as a funny, practical gift.
Get your hands on a WTF Notebook and show us what you've got!
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