The Easter weekend is upon us, and nope, Easter isn't just for the kiddos! Sure, the little ones get to hunt for eggs, do some DIY arts and crafts, and OD on sugar, but that doesn't mean the grown-ups can't get in on the fun and score a sweet treat too!
Now, you could go the classic route and fill up an Easter basket with fancy chocolates and boring candles, but why not spice things up with something a bit more unique? Something like our infamous WTF Notebooks!
Why are they the perfect gift, you ask? Not only are notebooks a thoughtful and practical Easter gift to receive, but with hundreds of hilarious titles you're guaranteed to find something that will speak to your recipient's soul.
So, without further ado, here are our top 15 WTF Notebook titles that will have your loved ones cracking up and thanking you for such a badass Easter gift:

For the artistic writer who wants to add some cute and quirky illustrations to their work:
My book for writing stuff and drawing penguins
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the procrastinator who needs a list of excuses for not doing anything today:
Things I can put off until tomorrow
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the pessimist who always sees the glass half-empty:
Reasons why I won’t be seizing the day
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the smug know-it-all who loves to prove others wrong:
My list of things I was right about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the cat owner who knows their feline friend can be a bit of a troublemaker:
Times my cat was a real jerk
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the parent who dreams of having more time to cook fancy and complicated meals:
Recipes I will be able to cook when my kids have moved out
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who can't get that catchy tune out of their head:
Songs stuck in my head on repeat
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the binge-watcher who needs some motivation to be productive:
Tasks I need to complete before I can watch Netflix
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the ambitious planner who wants to conquer the world, one grocery list at a time:
Grocery lists and plans for world domination
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the twisted and imaginative mind who likes to mix the dark and the whimsical:
Evil plans and unicorn drawings
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the stoner who believes their ideas are pure genius:
Brilliant ideas I had while smoking weed
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the believer in magic who may or may not have put a curse on someone:
Spells I have put on people
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the overthinker who loves to ponder the most insignificant things:
Useless stuff to overthink
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the frustrated and vengeful person who has a list of people they dislike:
People I wish I could flush down the toilet
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the dark and twisted humor enthusiast who enjoys making light of a morbid topic:
My list of bodies I buried in the woods
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order
So, dear Easter bunnies, are you ready to shop ‘till you …hop? Don't settle for the same old gift basket that will make your loved ones yawn like a tired bunny. With so many options to choose from, you're bound to find the egg-ceptional gift (sorry for the bad puns).
Check out our full range of WTF Notebooks and find the perfect one that will make them laugh out loud.
Ordinary is overrated
WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!
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