Friendships are a strange concept: You just pick a human you’ve met and you’re like ‘Yep, I like this one’.
But in all seriousness, folks, friendship is a beautiful thing. It's what makes life worth living, and we're lucky to have the friends we do. So, let's raise a glass (or a mug, or a can, or whatever floats your boat) to friendship, and to all the crazy, wonderful, and hilarious moments we've shared with our closest pals.
If you have a bestie, you'll get each and every one of these 21 hilarious and beautifully sassy, but no less true, quotes about what it means to be friends.
Don't forget to share this with your BFF if you find one that perfectly describes your relationship. We bet there will be a few.

Sassy friendship quote 1:
I'd take a bullet for you. Not in the head. But like in the leg or something.

Sassy friendship quote 2:
I don't know what's tighter, our jeans or our friendship.

Sassy friendship quote 3:
A good friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move a dead body.

Sassy friendship quote 4:
Do you ever just look at your friends and think, “We are going to be some weird freaking old people one day”?

Sassy friendship quote 5:
We’ve been friends for so long, I can’t remember which one of us is the bad influence.

Sassy friendship quote 6:
Friendship is so weird... You just pick a human you’ve met and you’re like ‘Yep, I like this one’ and you just do stuff with them.

Sassy friendship quote 7:
Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warm feeling inside.

Sassy friendship quote 8:
You and I are more than friends, we’re like a really small gang.

Sassy friendship quote 9:
Best friends know how weird you are, but still choose to be seen with you in public.

Sassy friendship quote 10:
Good friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.

Sassy friendship quote 11:
We’ll always be friends because you match my level of crazy.

Sassy friendship quote 12:
What I love most about our friendship is that it’s based solely on inappropriate conversations that no person should have. Ever.

Sassy friendship quote 13:
You are definitely in my top 5 people I would least like to punch in the face.

Sassy friendship quote 14:
I consider our friendship strong enough for me to talk to you on the phone while sitting on the toilet.

Sassy friendship quote 15:
We’ll be the old ladies causing trouble in the nursing homes.

Sassy friendship quote 16:
Friends are people who know you really well and like you anyway.

Sassy friendship quote 17:
Friends are like condoms. They protect you when things get hard.

Sassy friendship quote 18:
I’d walk through fire for my bestie! Well, not fire, that'd be dangerous. But a super humid room... but not too humid because, you know... my hair.

Sassy friendship quote 19:
We will always be friends until we’re old and senile. Then we will be new friends.

Sassy friendship quote 20:
True friends don’t judge each other. They judge other people together.

Sassy friendship quote 21:
A good friend is like a bra: Hard to find, supportive, uplifting, and always close to your heart.
Keep the sassy quotes coming
Well, dear friends, we've reached the end of our journey through the wacky and wonderful world of friendship quotes. We've laughed, we've groaned, but most importantly, we've celebrated the bonds that hold us together and make life just a little bit brighter.
If you’re craving more funny and sassy word play, or you’re looking for a way to celebrate your friendship with your bestie, check out our range of hilarious notebook covers that make the perfect gift for friends.
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