18 outrageously sassy birthday gifts for the daring and bold
11 August 2023 by WTF Notebooks

Welcome to our gift guide for those who are tired of boring, run-of-the-mill birthday gifts. If you're looking for something to make your friends, family or co-workers laugh, then you've come to the right place. We've scoured the depths of our massive library of notebook titles to bring you the 18 most relatable, snarky and hilariously inappropriate gift ideas.
From puns that will make your grandma gasp, to off-color humor that even your most mischievous friend will appreciate, we've got you covered. Whether you're looking for a gift for someone who has a twisted sense of humor or just want to be the talk of the office, these notebooks are guaranteed to do the trick.
So, if you're ready to take your gift-giving game to the next level, then buckle up and get ready for some serious laughs. Let's dive in!
18 sassy birthday gift ideas from WTF Noteboooks:

If only people could adult properly, but here we are:
Shit you shouldn’t have to explain to adults
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Because you never know when you'll need to repeat that advice nobody asked for:
Unsolicited advice I kept for posterity
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Just a reminder that life is full of missed opportunities:
Times I walked naked in public and nobody noticed
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Just in case someone thought you cared about everything, here's the truth:
List of things I don’t give a shit about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

When you're not sure if you should be serious or sarcastic, this notebook has your back:
Inappropriate comments to make in serious situations
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Because sometimes the best ideas come from a place of profane genius:
Fucking brilliant ideas
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Keep track of all the naysayers and prove them wrong, one day at a time:
List of people who underestimated me and how that worked out for them
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Here's a list of things you already know, but apparently needed a man to explain it to you:
My list of things that have been mansplained to me
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Inspiration can come from anywhere, even from the porcelain throne:
Brilliant ideas I had while pooping
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For when you come up with the perfect comeback hours too late:
Smart things I’m going to say later
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Because sometimes you just need to write down some shit:
Notes and other shit to write down
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Just a friendly reminder to all the nosy folks out there:
Shit that’s none of your fucking business
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Keep track of all the times you were right and bask in the glory of being oh-so-smart:
My list of things I was right about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

When your thoughts are a little too sarcastic for public consumption:
Snide remarks I need to keep to myself
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Because what they don't know won't hurt them, right?
Dumb things I’ve done that my parents don’t know about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Keep track of all the emails you're ignoring, and hope they eventually give up:
Emails I won’t respond to
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Just your list of ideas that are not quite legal or ethical, but still seem like a good idea at the time:
My list of morally flexible ideas
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

Because sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction:
Shit that you just can’t make up
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order
Now that you've had a taste of our hilariously inappropriate birthday gift ideas, it's time to check out the full range of WTF Notebooks.
Whether you want to make your loved ones laugh, or just need a notebook that matches their twisted sense of humor, we've got you covered. Don't settle for boring gifts, make a statement with our snarky notebooks.
Ordinary is overrated
WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!
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